
Monday, November 24, 2014

Pretty Shy

Dearest Family and Friends,
       Not much to report this week but a lot of teaching and finding others to teach. Hermana Player (my companion) and I have a new investigator named Andrea. She attended church last week and we met with her this Friday. When we talked with her, we taught the restoration and she said she related to Joseph Smith and his want for the truth. She is so curious about our beliefs and I think she was shocked somewhat because we were able to answer all of her questions. She has so many more and we ran out of time but i cant wait to teach her again. She says she is trying to find that one true church so I'm so excited. She is currently reading in the Book of Mormon. 
       This week me and my companion have been working on talking with everyone. Sometimes it is very hard because the nerves get to us. Both Hermana Player and I can be pretty shy and so it can be a challenge to stop others on the street or even to knock. Working with each other has been great because we have been able to challenge on another. We have decided to take turns talking with others. Slowly I can see a difference in how we work. We are talking to more people and sharing the message with which we want to share. I want to tell as many people about this gospel because it has made me so happy!
       This week we also the opportunity to attend Zone conference. While I was there, my testimony on teaching by the spirit definitely increased. I know that when we teach, it doesn't matter what we want to say or how we want to teach, but it is through the spirit that we must learn to teach. We must allow the Holy Ghost to testify through us of the fullness of this gospel and its truths. I'm so Happy to have the opportunity to teach others of Gods love for them. 
        I love you all so much and hope to hear from you soon! I hope all is well!

Hermana Gilchrist

Monday, November 17, 2014

Obeying with Exactness

Dearest Family and Friends,
       Things are going great here in Paso Robles. The weather is a little chilly and so I do often wear a coat, but it is just so gorgeous here. I also love the people so much. They are so kind and willing to talk and listen. This week was amazing. On Tuesday we had the opportunity to go on exchanges. It was so nice to work with the Sister Training Leaders and to learn from them. I went on exchanges with an amazing Hermana, Hermana Smith. She was so kind and helped me work on the goal of talking with everyone. On top of that, this week has just been full of miracles. One miracle occurred just yesterday, Sunday the 16th. We had two less active members attend church as well as two investigators. One of the investigators, Andrea, had only been met with once and we just felt like messaging her to invite her to church. She has only had one lesson when first contacted and she came to church. It was very exciting to see. 

All of these pictures are of Ventura not Paso Robles where I am serving. 
I only have these because my camera has been dead for two weeks. SORRY

       My companion is one of the most obedient of the people I have met. She has the strongest desire to obey with exactness and show her true devotion to the Lord. Her example is such a blessing to me. She has shown me this strong desire, which in turn, gives me this same desire for myself. Obeying with exactness is so important because in order to teach others we must become leaders. Leaders like Christ who led by example. We must show our devotion to the Lord because those we teach see these things. She has helped me extend my desire to be obedient to even the smallest of things.

       I would like to share an experience with you about a miracle that really touched my heart this week. My companion and I were trying to find some specific people but at each door, there was no answer. We had some time before our next appointment and decided to knock but had no idea where. I turned to her and we started walking. I followed as we walked across the entire apartment complex to the other side. We looked around and I asked her to pick a door. She walked up to the door and knocked. We didn't know the young women but she immediately invited us in. At the end of having an amazing discussion with us she told us the reason she let us into the house was the feeling we had with us. I know that the Lord has prepared so many people to learn of this gospel. My companion followed the spirit and we were able to find this young lady and talk to her. I know that by following the Holy Ghost we can find those in need of our help.

With love,
Hermana Gilchrist 

* You can also now send letters using Dear Elder.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Paso Robles

Dear family and friends,
       So this week has been lovely. I have come to love the area of Paso Robles so much. It is so gorgeous here, especially with the changing colors of fall. There are leaves everywhere and I love going out of my way to step on them (something about the sound makes me happy.) Its so Rural and cute here. Also the weather is perfect here, its chilly at night and then warm during the day. The members in the Spanish branch are few but they each have such strong testimonies. Although I don't understand everything they are saying, I love talking with them. They each have unique stories and so much love for the gospel. I also love going out and teaching so much. One of the investigators we teach is a lovely young lady by the name of Amy. We can tell she knows the gospel is true, she just hasn't come to that realization yet. We just need to get her to pray. We are planning on readdressing her about baptism in our next visit. I seriously love teaching others about the gospel. It is amazing.

       I have the cutest Trainer/companion, Hermana Player. She is so sweet, kind and very loving. You can tell that she loves doing missionary work and that she truly wants to help others. Although she claims to be shy, she always knows exactly what to say to people. This is such a good quality to have, especially for a mission. You can definitely see the light of Christ in her eyes.

      I also had the opportunity to do quite a bit of service this week. We serve at the wellness kitchen every Wednesday and help make food. It is such a cool experience to serve there. We also had a member call for help on her house. Her name is Jenny. She has been in an out of the hospital for a year and is finally doing better. She takes care of her mom in her house. Because she has been gone for so long it has been hard for her to keep her house in tact. We had the opportunity to help her clean her kitchen and paint some of her walls. The reaction when we were done was priceless. You could tell it meant so much to her that we had helped. It seemed as though she was about to cry. I absolutely love serving others. The fact that I can make someone feel that good inside, makes me so happy. 
       My testimony here has already grown so much. In the beginning it was very hard to talk to others. I needed help and I had to pray. I have always had what I thought to be a strong testimony on prayer but never as strong as it is now. I had to pray so much for the help to do this. And Heavenly Father has definitely answered my prayers. In small ways but that is exactly what I needed. For example the other day I wasn't feeling to happy and my companion just randomly told me she loved me. This small gesture meant so much to me. I was asking for help and my prayer had been answered in this small way. I know that Christ answers our prayers. It may not be immediately or exactly the way we want them to be answered but he does answer them. 
       I love and miss all of you! Hope all is well!
Hermana Gilchrist

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Por Favor

We want to bomb our full-time missionary, Hermana Gilchrist, with notes of encouragement and love. We are adding the notes to a Christmas countdown package we are mailing her the week of Thanksgiving. Please respond to this post with a note to Kendyll, and we will print your note and add it to the package. It doesn't even matter if you know her or not. Even a brief word of encouragement and testimony from friends of the family and unmet relatives will make Hermana Gilchrist so happy. 
Those of you who know Kendyll understand how much this will mean to her. Thank you for taking a few minutes to show your love for her and for the sacrifice that missionaries make by serving full-time missions.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Leaving Mexico for California

Today was travel day. Leaving Mexico for California. 

Here are a few parting pictures:

If you read the bucket it says "place things you want to donate in the box" so...we decided we were donating our lives to the Lord for 18 months.

Hermana Gilchrist wanted me to post this picture of her & Hermana Hemingway (it's better then the other one!)

Here are a few pictures Bro. & Sister Jones sent us of her parting district:

She made it there safely:

       Dear Brother and Sister Gilchrist,

       Thank you for sending Sister Gilchrist to the California
       Ventura Mission.  She arrived today smiling and in good

       You may expect a letter from your missionary soon, along
       with a photograph of her with Sister Felix and me.

       We welcome her into the Lord's service and thank you
       again for sending such a valiant missionary.

       Sincerely, President Felix, California Ventura Mission

* Her new p-day should now be on Monday. We expect to get a letter then. If it is anything different I will let you know.